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Tako Poke


Hawaii is a state that pumps out amazing athletes. I always tell people because we have such great weather if you play sports you can do it all year round. NFL star John Ursua is one of those athletes. Hailing from Hawaii Island John was one of The University of Hawaii’s top 10 receivers and now he’s on the big stage in Washington playing for the Seattle Seahawks where the lovingly refer to him as J-Dub. His work ethic is intense and his demeanor is happy. I like talking to John because he has such a great positive vibe about him. He will be one of Hawaii’s biggest NFL stars you can just tell. This week he shares one of his favorite dishes he misses while away from home, Tako Poke.


Slice tako into bite-sized pieces

Slice green onion

Chop Hawaiian chili pepper

Add all ingredients to a bowl and mix well.  Serve.


SourceJohn Ursua
Prep time
Cooking time
Total time


1 lb
3 T
Green Onion
3 t
Sesame Seed
3 T
2 T
2 t
sesame oil
Hawaiian Chili Pepper
1 pn
Hawaiian salt


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